Icon Badge

Display an icon as a badge.


The IconBadge component uses the SuiIconBadge key in the theme.

Default theme#

import { defineStyleConfig } from '@chakra-ui/styled-system'
export const iconBadgeTheme = defineStyleConfig({
baseStyle: {
display: 'inline-flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
variants: {
outline: ({ colorScheme }) => {
return {
borderWidth: '1px',
borderColor: colorScheme ? `${colorScheme}.500` : 'chakra-border-color',
color: colorScheme ? `${colorScheme}.500` : 'currentColor',
solid: ({ colorScheme = 'gray' }) => {
return {
bg: `${colorScheme}.500`,
color: 'white',
sizes: {
sm: {
borderRadius: 'sm',
fontSize: '0.9em',
p: 1,
md: {
borderRadius: 'md',
fontSize: '1em',
p: 2,
lg: {
borderRadius: 'md',
fontSize: '1.3em',
p: 3,
defaultProps: {
variant: 'outline',
size: 'md',

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