Indicate progress through numbered steps in multi-step workflows.
Theme source
- 2.11.4 (latest)
: The wrapper component provides context and state management.StepsItem
: Manages redering of steps and completed states.StepsCompleted
: The completed content.
import { Steps, StepsItem, StepsCompleted } from '@saas-ui/react'
The Steps
component is a wrapper around the Chakra UI Stepper component and makes it easier to manage state and content of the steps.
import { Steps, StepsItem, StepsCompleted } from '@saas-ui/react'export default function Basic() {return (<Steps step={1}><StepsItem title="Personal information" /><StepsItem title="Account" /><StepsItem title="Confirmation" /></Steps>)}
Use the orientation
prop to change the stepper to a vertical layout.
import { Steps, StepsItem, StepsCompleted } from '@saas-ui/react'export default function Vertical() {return (<Steps step={1} orientation="vertical"><StepsItem title="Personal information" /><StepsItem title="Account" /><StepsItem title="Confirmation" /></Steps>)}
The Saas UI theme comes with 3 variants, outline
, solid
and subtle
<Steps step={1}><StepsItem title="Personal information" /><StepsItem title="Account" /><StepsItem title="Confirmation" /></Steps>
<Steps step={1} variant="solid"><StepsItem title="Personal information" /><StepsItem title="Account" /><StepsItem title="Confirmation" /></Steps>
<Steps step={1} variant="subtle"><StepsItem title="Personal information" /><StepsItem title="Account" /><StepsItem title="Confirmation" /></Steps>
Custom steps#
Use the render
prop to render custom steps.
import { Steps, StepsItem, StepsCompleted } from '@saas-ui/react'import {Box,Step,StepIndicator,StepStatus,StepIcon,StepNumber,StepTitle,StepDescription,StepSeparator,} from '@chakra-ui/react'const steps = [{name: 'step 1',title: 'First step',children: <Box py="4">Content step 1</Box>,},{name: 'step 2',title: 'Second step',children: <Box py="4">Content step 2</Box>,},{name: 'step 3',title: 'Third step',children: <Box py="4">Content step 3</Box>,},]export default function Custom() {return (<Steps step={1}>{, i) => (<StepsItemkey={i}{...step}render={() => (<Step><StepIndicator><StepStatuscomplete={<StepIcon />}incomplete={<StepNumber />}active={<StepNumber />}/></StepIndicator><Box flexShrink="0"><StepTitle>{step.title}</StepTitle><StepDescription>{step.description}</StepDescription></Box><StepSeparator /></Step>)}/>))}<StepsCompleted py="4">Completed</StepsCompleted></Steps>)}
Responsive Mobile stepper#
Horizontal steppers will position titles below the step icon on smaller screens. If you have more then 3 steps it's recommended to use a vertical stepper instead.
function ResponsiveStepper() {return (<Stepsstep={1}orientation={useBreakpointValue({ base: 'vertical', md: 'horizontal' })}><StepsItem title="Personal information" /><StepsItem title="Account" /><StepsItem title="Confirmation" /></Steps>)}
With content#
function WithContent() {const [step, setStep] = React.useState(0)const back = () => {setStep(step - 1)}const next = () => {setStep(step + 1)}const steps = [{name: 'step 1',title: 'First step',children: <Box py="4">Content step 1</Box>,},{name: 'step 2',title: 'Second step',children: <Box py="4">Content step 2</Box>,},{name: 'step 3',title: 'Third step',children: <Box py="4">Content step 3</Box>,},]return (<><Steps step={step} mb="2">{, i) => (<StepsItem key={i} {...args} />))}<StepsCompleted py="4">Completed</StepsCompleted></Steps><ButtonGroup width="100%"><Button onClick={back} isDisabled={step === 0} variant="ghost">Back</Button><Spacer /><Button onClick={next} isDisabled={step >= 3} colorScheme="primary">Next</Button></ButtonGroup></>)}
With Vertical Content#
function VerticalContent() {const [step, setStep] = React.useState(0)const back = () => {setStep(step - 1)}const next = () => {setStep(step + 1)}const steps = [{name: 'step 1',title: 'First step',children: (<><Box py="4">Content step 1</Box><ButtonGroup><Button onClick={next} isDisabled={step >= 3} colorScheme="primary">Next</Button></ButtonGroup></>),},{name: 'step 2',title: 'Second step',children: (<><Box py="4">Content step 2</Box>{' '}<ButtonGroup><Button onClick={next} isDisabled={step >= 3} colorScheme="primary">Next</Button><Button onClick={back} isDisabled={step === 0} variant="ghost">Back</Button></ButtonGroup></>),},{name: 'step 3',title: 'Third step',children: (<><Box py="4">Content step 3</Box><ButtonGroup><Button onClick={next} isDisabled={step >= 3} colorScheme="primary">Next</Button><Button onClick={back} isDisabled={step === 0} variant="ghost">Back</Button></ButtonGroup></>),},]return (<><Steps step={step} mb="2" orientation="vertical">{, i) => (<StepsItem key={i} {...args} />))}<StepsCompleted py="4">Completed</StepsCompleted></Steps></>)}
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