Upgrading to v2

How to upgrade to v2

Saas UI 2.0 comes with a lot of new features and improvements. This guide will help you upgrade your existing Saas UI 1.x project to Saas UI 2.0.

Upgrade Steps

1. Update dependencies

Make sure you use the latest Chakra UI version, minimum 2.6.0.

npm i @chakra-ui/react@latest

2. Update Saas UI

npm i @saas-ui/react@latest

3. Next.js

The linkComponent no longer requires legacyBehavior. You can pass the Link component to SaasProvider as following:

import Link, { LinkProps } from 'next/link'
import { SaasProvider } from '@saas-ui/react'
const NextLink = React.forwardRef<HTMLAnchorElement, LinkProps>(
(props, ref) => <Link ref={ref} {...props} />
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<SaasProvider linkComponent={Link}>
<Component {...pageProps} />

4. New components


The Timeline component has been moved from pro to the core package.


Sidebar is now out of beta and part of the core.


New CommandBar component.

4. Deprecated features

Button, ButtonGroup, IconButton, Menu, MenuItem, Divider, Card, CardTitle, CardMedia, CardBody, CardHeader

These components are no longer re-exported from Saas UI. You can import them directly from Chakra UI.

5. Breaking changes


Auth forms can now be used standalone, without using the Auth Provider.

  • PasswordForm -> PasswordView
  • OtpForm -> OtpView
  • MagicLinkForm -> MagicLinkView
  • UpdatePasswordForm -> UpdatePasswordView
  • ForgotPasswordForm -> ForgotPasswordView
  • @saas-ui/auth/supabase moved to @saas-ui/supabase
  • @saas-ui/auth/magic moved to @saas-ui/magic


List has been renamed to StructuredList and has a new improved API.

<Text fontWeight="bold">Elliot Alderson</Text>
<Text fontSize="sm" color="muted">


DataTable has been updated to use React Table v8.


  • Form now accepts a render prop that gives you access to the internal form state, as well as typed Form components.
export default function MyForm = () => {
return (
<Form defaultValues={{name: ''}}>
{({Field}) => (
<Field type="text" name="name" />
  • AutoForm has been removed, you can use Form instead. Form will auto render fields based on the schema you pass to it, when no children are provided.

  • Importing Form from @saas-ui/forms/yup or @saas-ui/forms/zod gives you a typed Form component. No longer needed to use useForm or getResolver.

  • registerFieldType has been renamed to createField and can be used together with createForm to create forms with custom fields.

// form.tsx
import { createForm, createField } from '@saas-ui/react'
// zod
// import {createZodForm} from '@saas-ui/forms/zod'
// yup
// import {createYupForm} from '@saas-ui/forms/yup'
const MyCustomField = createField(
React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
return <input ref={ref} {...props} />
const MyCustomControlledField = createField(
React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
return <ReactSelect ref={ref} {...props} />
isControlled: true,
export const Form = createForm({
fields: {
custom: MyCustomField,
'custom-controlled': MyCustomControlledField,


StepForm has a new improved API, similar to Form.

import {StepForm} from '@saas-ui/react'
// zod
// import { StepForm } from '@saas-ui/forms/zod'
// yup
// import { StepForm } from '@saas-ui/forms/yup'
export default function MyStepForm = () => {
return (
name: '',
email: '',
password: '',
{({ Field, FormStep }) => (
<FormStep name="profile">
<Field name="name" label="Name" rules={{ required: true }} />
<Field name="email" label="Email" rules={{ required: true }} />
<NextButton />
<FormStep name="password">
rules={{ required: true, minLength: 4 }}
<NextButton />

Zod and Yup forms now expect a steps property that contains the schemas for each step.

export default function MyStepForm = () => {
return (
name: 'profile',
schema: z.object({
name: z.string(),
email: z.string().email(),
}, {
name: 'password',
schema: z.object({
password: z.string().min(4),
name: '',
email: '',
password: '',
{({ Field, FormStep }) => (
<FormStep name="profile">
<Field name="name" label="Name" rules={{ required: true }} />
<Field name="email" label="Email" rules={{ required: true }} />
<NextButton />
<FormStep name="password">
rules={{ required: true, minLength: 4 }}
<NextButton />


Loader has been renamed to LoadingOverlay and has a new improved API.

<LoadingSpinner />


The breakpoints property is removed and Sidebar now accepts a single breakpointValue prop. The condensed variant has been renamed to compact.


ErrorBoundary errorComponent property renamed to fallback to be consistent with Suspense.

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