
A guide for installing Saas UI with Remix projects

1. Installation

Inside your Remix project root directory, install Saas UI by running either of the following:

npm i @saas-ui/react @chakra-ui/react @chakra-ui/next-js @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion

2. Provider Setup

To prevent loss of styles we need to do some changes on the server-side and client-side.

We’ll create a context.tsx in the app folder.

// context.tsx
import React, { createContext } from 'react'
export interface ServerStyleContextData {
key: string
ids: Array<string>
css: string
export const ServerStyleContext = createContext<ServerStyleContextData[] | null>(null)
export interface ClientStyleContextData {
reset: () => void
export const ClientStyleContext = createContext<ClientStyleContextData | null>(null)

Next on the agenda is to create the emotion cache file. To do that, create a new createEmotionCache.ts file in the app folder.

// createEmotionCache.ts
import createCache from '@emotion/cache'
export default function createEmotionCache() {
return createCache({ key: 'css' })

After creating the emotion cache, we need to modify the entry files for both the client and the server. We'll use our createEmotionCache function here.

// entry.client.tsx
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { hydrate } from 'react-dom'
import { CacheProvider } from '@emotion/react'
import { RemixBrowser } from '@remix-run/react'
import { ClientStyleContext } from './context'
import createEmotionCache from './createEmotionCache'
interface ClientCacheProviderProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
function ClientCacheProvider({ children }: ClientCacheProviderProps) {
const [cache, setCache] = useState(createEmotionCache())
function reset() {
return (
<ClientStyleContext.Provider value={{ reset }}>
<CacheProvider value={cache}>{children}</CacheProvider>
<RemixBrowser />
// entry.server.tsx
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import { CacheProvider } from '@emotion/react'
import createEmotionServer from '@emotion/server/create-instance'
import { RemixServer } from '@remix-run/react'
import type { EntryContext } from '@remix-run/node' // Depends on the runtime you choose
import { ServerStyleContext } from './context'
import createEmotionCache from './createEmotionCache'
export default function handleRequest(
request: Request,
responseStatusCode: number,
responseHeaders: Headers,
remixContext: EntryContext
) {
const cache = createEmotionCache()
const { extractCriticalToChunks } = createEmotionServer(cache)
const html = renderToString(
<ServerStyleContext.Provider value={null}>
<CacheProvider value={cache}>
<RemixServer context={remixContext} url={request.url} />
const chunks = extractCriticalToChunks(html)
const markup = renderToString(
<ServerStyleContext.Provider value={chunks.styles}>
<CacheProvider value={cache}>
<RemixServer context={remixContext} url={request.url} />
responseHeaders.set('Content-Type', 'text/html')
return new Response(`<!DOCTYPE html>${markup}`, {
status: responseStatusCode,
headers: responseHeaders,

Inside our root.tsx file we'll create a Document wrapper and then we'll wrap our App with the Document.

// root.tsx
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react'
import { withEmotionCache } from '@emotion/react'
import { SaasProvider } from '@saas-ui/react'
import {
} from '@remix-run/react'
import { MetaFunction, LinksFunction } from '@remix-run/node' // Depends on the runtime you choose
import { ServerStyleContext, ClientStyleContext } from './context'
export const meta: MetaFunction = () => ({
charset: 'utf-8',
title: 'New Remix App',
viewport: 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1',
export let links: LinksFunction = () => {
return [
{ rel: 'preconnect', href: '' },
{ rel: 'preconnect', href: '' },
rel: 'stylesheet',
href: ',wght@0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800&display=swap'
interface DocumentProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
const Document = withEmotionCache(
({ children }: DocumentProps, emotionCache) => {
const serverStyleData = useContext(ServerStyleContext);
const clientStyleData = useContext(ClientStyleContext);
// Only executed on client
useEffect(() => {
// re-link sheet container
emotionCache.sheet.container = document.head;
// re-inject tags
const tags = emotionCache.sheet.tags;
tags.forEach((tag) => {
(emotionCache.sheet as any)._insertTag(tag);
// reset cache to reapply global styles
}, []);
return (
<html lang="en">
<Meta />
<Links />
{serverStyleData?.map(({ key, ids, css }) => (
data-emotion={`${key} ${ids.join(' ')}`}
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: css }}
<ScrollRestoration />
<Scripts />
<LiveReload />

And then we'll wrap the App just like so:

export default function App() {
return (
<Outlet />

3. Customizing Theme

If you intend to customise the default theme object to match your design requirements, you can extend the theme from @chakra-ui/react.

Chakra UI provides an extendTheme function that deep merges the default theme with your customizations.

// 1. Import the extendTheme function
import { extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react'
// 2. Import the Saas UI theme
import { SaasProvider, theme } from '@saas-ui/react'
// 2. Extend the theme to include custom colors, fonts, etc
const colors = {
brand: {
900: '#1a365d',
800: '#153e75',
700: '#2a69ac',
const theme = extendTheme({ colors }, theme)
// 3. Pass the `theme` prop to the `SaasProvider`
export default function App() {
return (
<SaasProvider theme={theme}>
<Outlet />

Notes on TypeScript 🚨

Please note that when adding Chakra UI to a TypeScript project, a minimum TypeScript version of 4.1.0 is required.

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