
Allow users to select a Date and Time value.

The DatePicker is currently in beta, we'd love to hear your feedback while we finalize the API.


  • DatePickerModal: The container component that manages state and context.
  • DatePickerTimeField: Time field to allow users enter a time.
import { DatePickerModal, DatePickerTimeField } from '@saas-ui/date-picker'


The DatePicker uses @internationalized/date to represent and manipulate dates. Check out the documentation to learn how to work with Date objects.


function Page() {
const disclosure = useDisclosure()
const [value, setValue] = React.useState('')
return (
<Button onClick={disclosure.onOpen}>
{value ? value.toString() : 'Select a date'}
<DatePickerModal {...disclosure} onSubmit={setValue} />

With time#

function Page() {
const disclosure = useDisclosure()
const [value, setValue] = React.useState('')
return (
<Button onClick={disclosure.onOpen}>
{value ? value.toString() : 'Select a date'}
<DatePickerModal {...disclosure} onSubmit={setValue}>
<DatePickerTimeField width="full" />

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