
Page makes it easy to implement consistent page layouts throughout your app.


  • Page: The container component that manages composition.
  • PageHeader: The header component with navigation, title, toolbar and tabbar.
  • PageBody: The page content.
  • BackButton: A button with an arrow icon used for navigating to the previous page.
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody, BackButton } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'


A Page is usually located in the main content of your layout, under the Navbar and next to the Sidebar. It can include navigation (back button), a title, toolbar and tabs.

The Page component manages composition for you and comes with a handful of helpful features to make creating pages fast and consistent. All sub components are wrapped in an ErrorBoundary, so your apps navigation will always be available to users in case of any unforseen errors.

To have more control over composition, use the low level PageContainer instead.

Basic page

PageBody handles scrolling, content positioning. Content is centered by default with a max width of container.xl.

import { Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
export default function BasicPage() {
return (
<PageHeader title="Basic page" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec
malesuada, velit eget ultricies aliquam, urna velit faucibus mauris,
quis aliquet massa diam nec nisl. Donec euismod, nisl vitae aliquet
ultricies, nunc ipsum aliquam diam, quis aliquam diam diam ut nunc.
Donec euismod, nisl vitae aliquet ultricies, nunc ipsum aliquam
diam, quis aliquam diam diam ut nunc.


Use the isLoading prop to render a spinner in the middle of the page body.

import { Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
export default function LoadingPage() {
return (
<Page isLoading>
<PageHeader title="Loading page" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec
malesuada, velit eget ultricies aliquam, urna velit faucibus mauris,
quis aliquet massa diam nec nisl. Donec euismod, nisl vitae aliquet
ultricies, nunc ipsum aliquam diam, quis aliquam diam diam ut nunc.
Donec euismod, nisl vitae aliquet ultricies, nunc ipsum aliquam
diam, quis aliquam diam diam ut nunc.

Settings variant

Use different page variants to make it visually clear that people are in a distinct part of your app that functions differently from the main app, like settings pages.

import { Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
export default function SettingsPage() {
return (
<Page variant="settings">
<PageHeader title="Settings" description="Manage your settings" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec
malesuada, velit eget ultricies aliquam, urna velit faucibus mauris,
quis aliquet massa diam nec nisl. Donec euismod, nisl vitae aliquet
ultricies, nunc ipsum aliquam diam, quis aliquam diam diam ut nunc.
Donec euismod, nisl vitae aliquet ultricies, nunc ipsum aliquam
diam, quis aliquam diam diam ut nunc.

Hero variant

The hero variant can be used to showcase features that haven't been activated yet or require extra setup steps.

import { Text, ButtonGroup, Button } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
export default function HeroPage() {
return (
<Page variant="hero" colorScheme="primary">
description="Send and receive messages"
<Button>Upgrade now</Button>

Full width page

Use the contentWidth prop to make the page content full width. This is useful for pages that contain a table or other content that needs to be full width. Add p="0" to the PageBody to remove the default padding.

import { Text, ButtonGroup, Button } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
export default function FullWidthPage() {
return (
<PageHeader title="Users" />
<PageBody contentWidth="full" p="0">
{ id: 'name', header: 'Name' },
{ id: 'role', header: 'Role' },
id: 'actions',
header: '',
width: 10,
cell: () => (
<Button variant="ghost" size="sm">
data={[{ name: 'Renata Alink', role: 'Founder' }]}
<DataGridPagination />

With a Toolbar

The toolbar is positioned on the right side of the page header, next to the title.

The primary action should always be placed on the far right, use a Button with the primary variant. For other toolbar buttons it is recommended to add text labels instead of just icons when possible, this will make sure the actions are easily scannable for people.

import { Text, ButtonGroup, Button } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
export default function WithToolbar() {
return (
title="Page with toolbar"
<Button variant="primary">Save</Button>

With a Back button

Add navigation buttons to help people navigate your app, the most common use case is adding a BackButton to go back to the previous page.

import { Text, ButtonGroup, Button } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody, BackButton } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
export default function WithBackButton() {
return (
<PageHeader title="Page with back button" nav={<BackButton />} />

With a Tabs

import { Text, Tabs, Tab, TabList, ButtonGroup, Button } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
export default function WithTabs() {
return (
title="Page with tabs"
<Tabs variant="unstyled">
<TabList as={ButtonGroup} isAttached variant="outline">
_selected: { bg: 'blackAlpha.300' },
_selected: { bg: 'whiteAlpha.300' },
_selected: { bg: 'blackAlpha.300' },
_selected: { bg: 'whiteAlpha.300' },

Custom Error Component

Page content is wrapped with an ErrorBoundary to make sure any errors inside your page are contained and users can still navigate your app. Use the errorComponent prop to render a custom error message.

import { Text, Button } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { AppShell, EmptyState } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { Page, PageHeader, PageBody } from '@saas-ui-pro/react'
import { FiAlertTriangle } from 'react-icons/fi'
function PageWithError() {
return (
title="Oops, something went wrong"
description="We have have been notified about the issue."
<Button>Go back</Button>
<PageHeader title="Page with error" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec
euismod, nisl vitae aliquet ultricies, nunc ipsum aliquam diam, quis
aliquam diam diam ut nunc.

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