Icon Badge

Display an icon as a badge.


aria-labelstringA11y: A label that describes the icon
colorScheme"whiteAlpha" | "blackAlpha" | "gray" | "red" | "orange" | "yellow" | "green" | "teal" | "blue" | "cyan" | "purple" | "pink" | "linkedin" | "facebook" | "messenger" | "whatsapp" | "twitter" | "telegram" | "primary" | "secondary" | "indigo"The visual color appearance of the component
iconReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>The icon to be used in the button.
isRoundbooleanfalseIf true, the badge will be perfectly round. Else, it'll be slightly round
size"sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl"mdThe size of the IconBadge
variant"outline" | "solid"outlineThe variant of the IconBadge

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