

datarequiredRecord<string, string | number>[]The data to be displayed in the chart.
allowDecimalsbooleanShow decimals on the y-axis.
animationDurationnumberAnimation duration in milliseconds.
categoriesstring[]The data keys to be displayed in the chart.
childrenstring | number | bigint | boolean | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | Iterable<ReactNode> | ReactPortal | Promise<...>Children to render.
colorsstring[]The colors to use for each category.
connectNullsbooleanWhether to connect null values.
curveTypeCurveTypeThe curve type of the area.
heightResponsiveValue<number | "px" | (string & {}) | "max" | "min" | "auto" | "-moz-initial" | "inherit" | "initial" | "revert" | "revert-layer" | "unset" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | ... 56 more ... | "container.2xl">The height of the chart.
indexstring'date'The y-axis data key to use.
intervalTypetype ONLY_FOR_FORMAT = | number | "preserveStartEnd" | "equidistantPreserveStart" | "preserveStart" | "preserveEnd"If set 0, all the ticks will be shown. If set preserveStart", "preserveEnd" or "preserveStartEnd", the ticks which is to be shown or hidden will be calculated automatically.
legendHeightnumberHeight of the legend.
showAnimationbooleanWether to show the animation or not.
showGridbooleanWether to show the grid or not.
showLegendbooleanWether to show the legend or not.
showTooltipbooleanWether to show the tooltip or not.
showXAxisbooleanWether to show the x-axis or not.
showYAxisbooleanWether to show the y-axis or not.
stackbooleanWhether to stack the areas.
startEndOnlybooleanOnly show the start and end ticks on the x-axis.
strokeWidthstring | numberThe width of the line.
tooltipContent(props: TooltipProps<any, any>) => ReactNodeRender custom tooltip content.
valueFormatter(value: number) => stringFormat the value of the x-axis.
variant"line" | "solid" | "gradient"gradientThe area chart variant.
yAxisWidthnumberWidth of the y-axis labels.

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