
Allows users to select one or more values from a list.


Select renders a Menu and accepts all of it's props. See: Chakra UI docs

namerequiredstringThe name of the input field in a native form.
arrowPaddingnumber8The padding required to prevent the arrow from reaching the very edge of the popper.
autoSelectbooleantrueIf true, the first enabled menu item will receive focus and be selected when the menu opens.
boundaryHTMLElement | "clippingParents" | "scrollParent"clippingParentsThe boundary area for the popper. Used within the preventOverflow modifier
childrenstring | number | bigint | boolean | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | Iterable<ReactNode> | ReactPortal | Promise<...>
closeOnBlurbooleantrueIf true, the menu will close when you click outside the menu list
closeOnSelectbooleantrueIf true, the menu will close when a menu item is clicked
colorScheme"whiteAlpha" | "blackAlpha" | "gray" | "red" | "orange" | "yellow" | "green" | "teal" | "blue" | "cyan" | "purple" | "pink" | "linkedin" | "facebook" | "messenger" | "whatsapp" | "twitter" | "telegram" | "primary" | "secondary" | "indigo"The visual color appearance of the component
defaultValueNonNullable<Value>The initial value of the select field.
direction"ltr" | "rtl"If rtl, proper placement positions will be flipped i.e. 'top-right' will become 'top-left' and vice-verse
eventListenerstype ONLY_FOR_FORMAT = | boolean | { scroll?: boolean | undefined resize?: boolean | undefined }trueIf provided, determines whether the popper will reposition itself on scroll and resize of the window.
flipbooleantrueIf true, the popper will change its placement and flip when it's about to overflow its boundary area.
gutternumber8The distance or margin between the reference and popper. It is used internally to create an offset modifier. NB: If you define offset prop, it'll override the gutter.
initialFocusRefRefObject<{ focus(): void }>The ref of the element that should receive focus when the popover opens.
isDisabledbooleanIf true, the select will be disabled.
isLazybooleanfalsePerformance 🚀: If true, the MenuItem rendering will be deferred until the menu is open.
lazyBehaviorLazyModeunmountPerformance 🚀: The lazy behavior of menu's content when not visible. Only works when `isLazy={true}` - "unmount": The menu's content is always unmounted when not open. - "keepMounted": The menu's content initially unmounted, but stays mounted when menu is open.
matchWidthbooleanfalseIf true, the popper will match the width of the reference at all times. It's useful for autocomplete, `date-picker` and select patterns.
modifiersPartial<Modifier<string, any>>[]Array of popper.js modifiers. Check the docs to see the list of possible modifiers you can pass.
multipleMultipleEnable multiple select.
offset[number, number]The main and cross-axis offset to displace popper element from its reference element.
onChange(value: Value) => voidThe callback invoked when the value of the select field changes.
onClose() => void
onOpen() => void
optionsFieldOptions<SelectOption>An array of options If you leave this empty the children prop will be rendered.
placeholderstringThe placeholder text when there's no value.
placementPlacementWithLogicalbottomThe placement of the popper relative to its reference.
preventOverflowbooleantrueIf true, will prevent the popper from being cut off and ensure it's visible within the boundary area.
renderValue(value: Value) => ReactNodeThe function used to render the value of the select field.
size"lg" | "md" | "sm" | "xs"mdThe size of the Select
strategy"fixed" | "absolute"absoluteThe CSS positioning strategy to use.
valueNonNullable<Value>The value of the select field.
variant"outline" | "filled" | "flushed" | "unstyled"outlineThe variant of the Select

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