
Arrange fields in a form with consistant spacing and positioning.


FormLayout renders a SimpleGrid and accepts all of it's props. See Chakra UI docs

autoColumnsResponsiveValue<GridAutoColumns<0 | (string & {})>>Shorthand prop for gridAutoColumns
autoFlowResponsiveValue<GridAutoFlow>Shorthand prop for gridAutoFlow
autoRowsResponsiveValue<GridAutoRows<0 | (string & {})>>Shorthand prop for gridAutoRows
columnResponsiveValue<GridColumn>Shorthand prop for gridColumn
columnGapResponsiveValue<string | number | (string & {})>Shorthand prop for gridColumnGap
columnsResponsiveValue<number>The number of columns
gapResponsiveValue<string | number | (string & {})>Shorthand prop for gridGap
minChildWidthResponsiveValue<string | number | (string & {})>The width at which child elements will break into columns. Pass a number for pixel values or a string for any other valid CSS length.
rowResponsiveValue<GridRow>Shorthand prop for gridRow
rowGapResponsiveValue<string | number | (string & {})>Shorthand prop for gridRowGap
spacingResponsiveValue<string | number | (string & {})>The gap between the grid items
spacingXResponsiveValue<string | number | (string & {})>The column gap between the grid items
spacingYResponsiveValue<string | number | (string & {})>The row gap between the grid items
templateAreasResponsiveValue<GridTemplateAreas>Shorthand prop for gridTemplateAreas
templateColumnsResponsiveValue<GridTemplateColumns<0 | (string & {})>>Shorthand prop for gridTemplateColumns
templateRowsResponsiveValue<GridTemplateRows<0 | (string & {})>>Shorthand prop for gridTemplateRows

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