Chakra UI Theme

The Chakra UI theme tokens

SaasProvider uses the Saas UI theme by default, if you want to use the default Chakra UI theme instead follow the instructions below.

Setup your theme

To make sure all Saas UI components are styled correctly, you will need to load the Saas UI base theme.

// 1. Import the base theme
import { baseTheme } from '@saas-ui/react'
// 2. Pass the theme to SaasProvider
function App() {
return <SaasProvider theme={baseTheme}>{children}</SaasProvider>

If you already have a custom theme, you can pass baseTheme as the base theme in extendTheme.

import { extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react'
// 1. Import the base theme
import { baseTheme } from '@saas-ui/react'
// 2. Extend your theme
const theme = extendTheme(
// your custom theme
// 3. Pass the custom theme to SaasProvider
function App() {
return <SaasProvider theme={theme}>{children}</SaasProvider>

You can read more about customizing your theme on the Chakra UI website.

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