
All updates and improvements to Saas UI

Apr 17, 2024



  • Improved Select types, value type is now string or string[] depending on the multiple prop
  • Fixed issue where StructuredListItem would not receive focus
  • StructuredListItem now supports isDisabled props

Date Picker v0.12.31

  • Removed Chakra UI icons dependency

File Upload v0.2.9

  • Added missing deep dependencies

Forms v2.6.0

  • Improved Select types, value type is now string or string[] depending on the multiple prop

Storybook Addon v3.0.0

  • Updated to Storybook 8

Saas Ui Storybook v2.0.0

  • Updated to Storybook 8

Test Utils v4.0.0

  • Updated to Storybook 8

Core v2.5.0

  • Fixed issue where StructuredListItem would not receive focus
  • StructuredListItem now supports isDisabled props

Theme v2.4.0

  • StructuredListItem now supports isDisabled props

Auth v3.1.2

  • Fixed issue where options would not be passed to logOut handler, thanks @Segfaultd

Mar 29, 2024



  • Improved forms to support a global base field override

Forms v2.5.0

  • Improved forms to support a global base field override

Mar 11, 2024


Modals v2.1.24

  • Removed a console.log, closes #211

File Upload v0.2.7

  • Updated zag.js

Mar 6, 2024



  • Fixed issue where Chakra UI Card sizes would not apply
  • Moved all StructuredList styling into theme
  • Fixed issue where ref would not be forwarded to StructuredListHeader

Theme v2.3.4

  • Fixed issue where Chakra UI Card sizes would not apply
  • Moved all StructuredList styling into theme

Auth v3.0.3

  • Added defaultView prop to Auth

Core v2.4.1

  • Moved all StructuredList styling into theme
  • Fixed issue where ref would not be forwarded to StructuredListHeader

File Upload v0.2.6

  • Fixed issue where onFileReject would not be called

Feb 21, 2024



  • Improved snackbar.promise method to not rethrow error when the error option is a function
  • Improved snackbar.promise success prop to accept an optional function callback
  • Added support for leftAddon and rightAddon on number input types
  • Improved ObjectSchema type definitions to be more strict and inherit correct field type props

Date Picker v0.12.23

  • Fixed issue where date picker visible date would not update when input value changed

Auth v3.0.2

  • Added missing translations

Website v2.3.21

  • Added missing translations

Core v2.4.0

  • Improved snackbar.promise method to not rethrow error when the error option is a function
  • Improved snackbar.promise success prop to accept an optional function callback

Forms v2.4.0

  • Added support for leftAddon and rightAddon on number input types
  • Improved ObjectSchema type definitions to be more strict and inherit correct field type props

Jan 22, 2024



  • Added xl size to IconBadge
  • Updated Input lg variant height
  • Fixed issue where FormStepper separator would render incorrectly

Theme v2.3.2

  • Added xl size to IconBadge
  • Updated Input lg variant height

Data Table v7.0.5

  • fix: forward sx prop to data table

Forms v2.3.9

  • Fixed issue where SubmitButton theming props could not be overwritten with AutoForm

File Upload v0.2.2

  • Retrieve environment from Chakra UI context to support shadowdom/frame for file uploads

Core v2.3.4

  • Fixed issue where FormStepper separator would render incorrectly

Props Docs v2.1.0

  • Updated with Pro 0.31.3

Date Picker v0.12.18

  • Fixed issue where DateInput button wouldn't open the date picker

Jan 12, 2024


Forms v2.3.8

  • Fixed issue where Select button and input would have the same id
  • Fixed issue where Form context would not be available
  • Refactored exports

Charts v0.11.0

  • Improved chart component apis
  • Added BartChart and LineChart components
  • Refactored exports

Hooks v2.0.3

  • Added useScrollPosition hook
  • Refactored exports

Date Picker v0.12.17

  • Improved DatePicker to enable keyboard navigation on calendar days after opening
  • Fixed issue where date picker dialog would not open using keyboard controls
  • Refactored exports

Command Bar v0.4.2

  • Refactored exports

File Upload v0.2.1

  • Refactored exports

Data Table v7.0.4

  • Refactored exports

Nprogress v2.0.2

  • Refactored exports

Hotkeys v2.1.14

  • Refactored exports

Modals v2.1.16

  • Refactored exports

Auth v2.4.4

  • Refactored exports

Core v2.3.3

  • Refactored exports

Props Docs v2.0.0

  • Updated all props and include pro packages

Dec 23, 2023



  • Fixed issue where variant would not be passed to SearchInput
  • Improved Navbar inner padding on small screens
  • Added new left-accent variant to the NavItem theme
  • Added new neutral color scheme to Button theme
  • Updated NavGroup to no longer be collapsible by default
  • Fixed issue where SidebarToggleButton style props would not have any effect
  • Improved timeline behavior so it scales automatically with the icon and ocontent size used.
  • Added data-state attribute to SidebarToggleButton
  • Added ghost variant to the Badge theme
  • NavItem href prop no longer has # as default

Core v2.3.0

  • Fixed issue where variant would not be passed to SearchInput
  • Improved Navbar inner padding on small screens
  • Added new left-accent variant to the NavItem theme
  • Updated NavGroup to no longer be collapsible by default
  • Fixed issue where SidebarToggleButton style props would not have any effect
  • Export SaasProviderProps
  • Improved timeline behavior so it scales automatically with the icon and ocontent size used.
  • Added data-state attribute to SidebarToggleButton
  • NavItem href prop no longer has # as default

Auth v2.4.0

  • Fixed issue where auth state would not update correctly
  • Improved consistency of styles

Theme v2.3.0

  • Improved Navbar inner padding on small screens
  • Added new left-accent variant to the NavItem theme
  • Added new neutral color scheme to Button theme
  • Updated NavGroup to no longer be collapsible by default
  • Improved timeline behavior so it scales automatically with the icon and ocontent size used.
  • Added ghost variant to the Badge theme

Theme Glass v0.5.2

  • Improved glass theme input to use css variables
  • Added neutral color scheme support for buttons

File Upload v0.2.0

  • Add getRootNode prop to support shadowdom and frames

Clerk v3.0.21

  • Updated clerk provider types

Dec 6, 2023



  • Improved IconBadge sizing

Date Picker v0.12.11

  • Updated React Aria deps

Modals v2.1.11

  • Fixed issue where modals manager would throw an error when opening multiple modals.

Theme v2.2.3

  • Improved IconBadge sizing

Dec 1, 2023



  • Fixed issue where SubmitButton would not properties from form fields prop
  • Fixed NavLink line height

Auth v2.3.0

  • Fixed redirect property for oauth providers and add support for scopes

Forms v2.3.3

  • Fixed issue where SubmitButton would not properties from form fields prop

Core v2.2.3

  • Fixed prop types of OverflowMenu

Supabase v2.1.1

  • Added support for scopes

Theme v2.2.2

  • Fixed NavLink line height

Nov 24, 2023



  • Added new Navbar component 🥳
  • Fixed issue where width would not be applied to the SearchInput container element
  • Added new IconBadge component
  • Fixed SearchInput reset when uncontrolled
  • Removed all Component.defaultProps definitions
  • Fixed theme incompatibility with Chakra UI 2.8

Theme v2.2.0

  • Added new Navbar component 🥳
  • Added new IconBadge component
  • Fixed theme incompatibility with Chakra UI 2.8

Core v2.2.0

  • Added new Navbar component 🥳
  • Fixed issue where width would not be applied to the SearchInput container element
  • Added new IconBadge component
  • Fixed SearchInput reset when uncontrolled
  • Removed all Component.defaultProps definitions
  • Fixed theme incompatibility with Chakra UI 2.8

Forms v2.3.0

  • Added new onToggle prop to DisplayIf
  • Removed all Component.defaultProps definitions

Auth v2.2.0

  • Removed all Component.defaultProps definitions

Oct 20, 2023



  • Zod schema enum types now render a Select by default
  • Fixed issue where closing large models with modals manager would flicker
  • Fixed issue where Field would not infer correct onChange handler
  • Fixed issue where not all StepForm data would be passed to onSubmit
  • ZodForm now infers defaultValues from the schema
  • FormLayout no longer renders each child in a wrapper div
  • Fixed issue where placeholder would not be passed to the NumberInputField

Forms v2.2.0

  • Zod schema enum types now render a Select by default
  • Fixed issue where Field would not infer correct onChange handler
  • Fixed issue where not all StepForm data would be passed to onSubmit
  • ZodForm now infers defaultValues from the schema
  • FormLayout no longer renders each child in a wrapper div
  • Fixed issue where placeholder would not be passed to the NumberInputField

Modals v2.1.5

  • Fixed issue where closing large models with modals manager would flicker

Sep 15, 2023



  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0
  • Added use client directive for better RSC support

Command Bar v0.3.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Date Picker v0.11.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0
  • Added Portal to DateInput and DateRangeInput pickers.

Theme Glass v0.5.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Data Table v4.0.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Palette v2.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Charts v0.10.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Modals v2.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Forms v2.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Magic v2.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0
  • Updated magic client

Theme v2.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Core v2.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Saas Ui Storybook v1.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Props Docs v1.9.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Test Utils v3.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Palette Docs v1.4.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Website v2.1.0

  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.8.0

Aug 26, 2023



  • useHotkeys now supports a custom targetElement, eg an input
  • Fixed issue where useHotkeys would not reset pressed keys

Hotkeys v2.1.0

  • useHotkeys now supports a custom targetElement, eg an input
  • Fixed issue where useHotkeys would not reset pressed keys

Aug 7, 2023



  • NavItem now renders an aria-current tag when the item is active.
  • Export createStandAloneSnackbar from core package.
  • NavItem active state is now compatible with Remix and ReactRouter NavLink

Theme v2.0.1

  • NavItem now renders an aria-current tag when the item is active.
  • NavItem active state is now compatible with Remix and ReactRouter NavLink

Core v2.0.3

  • NavItem now renders an aria-current tag when the item is active.
  • Export createStandAloneSnackbar from core package.

Jul 20, 2023


Forms v2.0.3

  • Fixed issue where custom StepForm field types would not propagate.

Jun 30, 2023



  • useHotkeys now supports preventDefault option to prevent default browser events from firing
  • Updated to Tanstack ReactTable V8
  • Moved form resolvers into a separate package.
  • Fix Card theme tokens
  • Improved MenuDialog position on mobile
  • Fix SnackbarPromiseOptions error type to SnackbarOptions
  • ErrorBoundary errorComponent property renamed to fallback to be consistent with Suspense.
  • button primary, secondary and tertiary variants colorScheme can now be changed.
  • Fixed useSnackbar return type, always returns toastId.
  • Added TimeLine to core components.
  • Added Sidebar to core packages.
  • Auth forms can now be used standalone, to build custom solutions.
  • tooltipProps on NavItem no longer require children
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Select now supports theming props.
  • Select can now supports theming using the SuiSelect theme config.
  • PasswordInput now accepts leftAddon property.
  • BREAKING: createPalette no longer exported from @saas-ui/react
  • Bump version
  • Fix vertical stepper items not taking up the full parent width.
  • Added new createModals method to create typesafe modals managers with support for custom modals
  • Renamed List to StructuredList
  • Fix Divider label contrast
  • Restructured the Select component to make it atomic, the new composition is Select, SelectButton, SelectList and SelectOption.
  • Fixed issue where Sidebar would not get defaultProps from the theme.
  • Added new tertiary button variant.
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • No longer needed to use Next.js legacyBehavior for the Link component.
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Secondary button now uses solid variant and gray colorScheme.
  • Removed button package.
  • New createFormDialog function to create Zod or Yup specific FormDialogs
  • useSnackbar promise error option now accepts a function with err param or SnackbarOptions
  • Stepper useNext and usePrev hooks renamed to useStepperNextButton and useStepperPrevButton
  • Improve Stepper seperator position on all sizes
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.6.x
  • Fix ContextMenu and OverflowMenu exports.
  • ConfirmDialog now supports an async onConfirm prop and shows a spinner when a promise is returned
  • Select field now renders invalid state.
  • Fixed issue where types for exports were not detected
  • object and array field props can now be overridden using the fields prop
  • Renamed Loader to LoadingOverlay.
  • Renamed Sidebar condensed variant to compact.
  • Form fields overries types now support array and object type props
  • AutoForm field props can now be overridden using the fields prop on Form
  • Fix NavItem focus outline color.
  • Fixed issue where colorScheme would be passed down to stepper dom element
  • Add Timeline theme to theme package.
  • Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • Improve StructuredList API.
  • Fixed issue where multiple + separators were not parsed correctly in useHotkeys.
  • Restructured packages.
  • AppShell now controls the Sidebar disclosure state.
  • Form will now render AutoField by default when no children are passed.
  • SidebarToggleButton can now be used outside of the Sidebar context, using the new AppShell context.
  • useLocalStorage now updates all hook instances on the current page when the value changed
  • Removed the Divider component in favor of the Chakra UI Divider component.
  • Bump version
  • Sidebar breakpoints property renamed to toggleBreakpoint. Now expects a single breakpoint or false to disable auto toggle.
  • EmptyState title and description no longer use Header and Text
  • Fix esm bundle filename.
  • Fix issue where StepForm would not submit when subsequent fields are required.
  • Removed Card component in favor of the new Chakra UI Card component.

Hotkeys v2.0.0

  • useHotkeys now supports preventDefault option to prevent default browser events from firing
  • useHotkeys options are now optional
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • Fixed issue where multiple + separators were not parsed correctly in useHotkeys.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Data Table v2.0.0

  • Updated to Tanstack ReactTable V8
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Forms v2.0.0

  • Form render prop Field now supports ref
  • Moved form resolvers into a separate package.
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Select can now supports theming using the SuiSelect theme config.
  • PasswordInput now accepts leftAddon property.
  • Fix React import
  • Bump version
  • Restructured the Select component to make it atomic, the new composition is Select, SelectButton, SelectList and SelectOption.
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Fixed modal form handler type inference
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • New createFormDialog function to create Zod or Yup specific FormDialogs
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.6.x
  • Select field now renders invalid state.
  • Fixed issue where types for exports were not detected
  • object and array field props can now be overridden using the fields prop
  • Form fields overries types now support array and object type props
  • AutoForm field props can now be overridden using the fields prop on Form
  • Fix Select button overflow.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Form will now render AutoField by default when no children are passed.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.
  • Fix issue where StepForm would not submit when subsequent fields are required.

Date Picker v0.10.0

  • Updated the day and month segment minimal width, so there's less spacing with single digits
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Modals v2.0.0

  • BaseDrawer now accepts header, content and footer props.
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Added new createModals method to create typesafe modals managers with support for custom modals
  • BaseModal now accepts header, content and footer props
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Fix issue where onCloseComplete would not be called
  • New createFormDialog function to create Zod or Yup specific FormDialogs
  • ConfirmDialog now supports an async onConfirm prop and shows a spinner when a promise is returned
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Core v2.0.0

  • Fix Card theme tokens
  • Improved MenuDialog position on mobile
  • Fix SnackbarPromiseOptions error type to SnackbarOptions
  • ErrorBoundary errorComponent property renamed to fallback to be consistent with Suspense.
  • Fixed useSnackbar return type, always returns toastId.
  • Added TimeLine to core components.
  • tooltipProps on NavItem no longer require children
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Select now supports theming props.
  • Bump version
  • Export LinkProps
  • Fix Divider label contrast
  • Fixed issue where Sidebar would not get defaultProps from the theme.
  • Added new tertiary button variant.
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Secondary button now uses solid variant and gray colorScheme.
  • Fix issue where Select context is undefined
  • useSnackbar promise error option now accepts a function with err param or SnackbarOptions
  • Stepper useNext and usePrev hooks renamed to useStepperNextButton and useStepperPrevButton
  • Improve Stepper seperator position on all sizes
  • Fix ContextMenu and OverflowMenu exports.
  • Fixed issue where types for exports were not detected
  • Renamed Loader to LoadingOverlay.
  • Renamed Sidebar condensed variant to compact.
  • Fix NavItem focus outline color.
  • Fixed issue where colorScheme would be passed down to stepper dom element
  • Add Timeline theme to theme package.
  • Improve StructuredList API.
  • AppShell now controls the Sidebar disclosure state.
  • SidebarToggleButton can now be used outside of the Sidebar context, using the new AppShell context.
  • useLocalStorage now updates all hook instances on the current page when the value changed
  • Removed the Divider component in favor of the Chakra UI Divider component.
  • Bump version
  • Sidebar breakpoints property renamed to toggleBreakpoint. Now expects a single breakpoint or false to disable auto toggle.
  • EmptyState title and description no longer use Header and Text
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Theme v2.0.0

  • button primary, secondary and tertiary variants colorScheme can now be changed.
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Fix Card theme
  • Bump version
  • Fix vertical stepper items not taking up the full parent width.
  • Removed Divider theming.
  • Fix anatomy export
  • Fix Divider label contrast
  • Fix issue where primary variant color would always be gray
  • Added new tertiary button variant.
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Renamed Sidebar condensed variant to compact, minor improvements.
  • Fix filled and outline color tokens
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Secondary button now uses solid variant and gray colorScheme.
  • Removed button package.
  • Improve Stepper seperator position on all sizes
  • Fixed issue where types for exports were not detected
  • Fix solid button hover colors
  • Add Timeline theme to theme package.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Updated Stepper theme to Chakra UI 2.6
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Auth v2.0.0

  • Auth forms can now be used standalone, to build custom solutions.
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • The default Auth User type is now less strict.
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Auth now support an onError handler
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Fix Auth component footer
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Command Bar v0.2.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Update to cmdk 2.0
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

React Utils v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Theme Glass v0.4.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Fix Textarea theme
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Nprogress v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Supabase v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Update Supabase client
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Palette v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Charts v0.8.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Add gradientOpacity prop. Add gradient support for Sparklines.
  • Bump version

System v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Storybook Addon v1.1.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Bump version

Clerk v3.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Update Clerk client
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Hooks v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • Restructured packages.
  • useLocalStorage now updates all hook instances on the current page when the value changed
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Magic v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated Magic auth service to latest SDK version
  • Magic auth options are now optional.
  • Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Saas Ui Storybook v1.0.1

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Bump version

Props Docs v1.8.1

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Bump version

Test Utils v3.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Website v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Removed button package.

Palette Docs v1.3.8

  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds

Apr 14, 2023



  • Fix Card theme tokens
  • Improved MenuDialog position on mobile
  • Added new createModals method to create typesafe modals managers with support for custom modals

Forms v2.0.0-next.9

  • Form render prop Field now supports ref

Core v2.0.0-next.7

  • Fix Card theme tokens
  • Improved MenuDialog position on mobile

Modals v2.0.0-next.9

  • Added new createModals method to create typesafe modals managers with support for custom modals
  • BaseModal now accepts header, content and footer props

Apr 8, 2023


Forms v2.0.0-next.8

  • Fix React import

Apr 8, 2023




Major Changes

  • 37e38165: Auth forms can now be used standalone, to build custom solutions.
  • 532011d6: Restructured the Select component to make it atomic, the new composition is Select, SelectButton, SelectList and SelectOption.
  • 39e778d8: Form will now render AutoField by default when no children are passed.

Minor Changes

  • 532011d6: Select can now supports theming using the SuiSelect theme config.
  • 6dd737ce: Select field now renders invalid state.
  • c85541cb: AutoForm field props can now be overridden using the fields prop on Form


Major Changes

  • 61b27fa6: Stepper useNext and usePrev hooks renamed to useStepperNextButton and useStepperPrevButton

Minor Changes

  • a8ea24da: PasswordInput now accepts leftAddon property.


Major Changes

  • 83f54180: ErrorBoundary errorComponent property renamed to fallback to be consistent with Suspense.
  • 83f54180: Secondary button now uses solid variant and gray colorScheme.
  • 83f54180: Renamed Loader to LoadingOverlay.

Minor Changes

  • 83f54180: Added new tertiary button variant.
  • 27a68bca: useLocalStorage now updates all hook instances on the current page when the value changed

Patch Changes

  • ba61612f: Fixed useSnackbar return type, always returns toastId.
  • 83f54180: Fix NavItem focus outline color.


Major Changes

  • 0a11d7b6: Renamed Sidebar condensed variant to compact.
  • 76887bda: Sidebar breakpoints property renamed to toggleBreakpoint. Now expects a single breakpoint or false to disable auto toggle.

Minor Changes

  • 76887bda: AppShell now controls the Sidebar disclosure state.
  • 76887bda: SidebarToggleButton can now be used outside of the Sidebar context, using the new AppShell context.


Patch Changes

  • 166978bd: Fix esm bundle filename.


Major Changes

  • 772c9868: Updated to Tanstack ReactTable V8
  • d7c87a31: Moved form resolvers into a separate package.
  • f1e99198: BREAKING: createPalette no longer exported from @saas-ui/react
  • 8b82d945: Renamed List to StructuredList
  • 8b82d945: Removed button package.
  • f34de7af: Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • 3a15e8c8: Improve StructuredList API.
  • f1e99198: Restructured packages.
  • f3b09191: Removed Card component in favor of the new Chakra UI Card component.

Minor Changes

  • e94ca3c0: Added TimeLine to core components.
  • 7ce390e9: Added Sidebar to core packages.

Patch Changes

  • f1e99198: Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds

Feb 16, 2023


Date Picker v0.8.7

  • Pass DateRangeInput props down to the internal Input.

Feb 10, 2023



  • InputRightButton no longer exported from forms package to prevent conflicts.

Forms v1.5.3

  • InputRightButton no longer exported from forms package to prevent conflicts.

Feb 3, 2023



  • Improved Sidebar behavior and theme.

Sidebar v0.9.0

  • Improved Sidebar behavior and theme.

Theme v1.8.0

  • Improved Sidebar behavior and theme.

Jan 8, 2023


  • Fixed default value for Switch fields.
  • Support disable sorting on individual columns in DataTable
  • Fixed issue where closing dialogs opened by the modals manager to flicker, due to config reset before closing animation was finished.

Theme Glass v0.2.0

  • Improved glass effect on light mode.
  • Added Drawer and Popover themes.

Sidebar v0.7.0

  • NavItem now supports tooltipProps to customize all tooltip props.

Forms v1.4.2

  • Fixed default value for Switch fields.

Data Table v1.3.3

  • Support disable sorting on individual columns in DataTable

Modals v1.4.3

  • Fixed issue where closing dialogs opened by the modals manager to flicker, due to config reset before closing animation was finished.

Dec 9, 2022


Date Picker v0.7.3

  • Allow null values, fixes uncontrolled to controlled warnings and allows for resetting the field values.

Auth v1.6.3

  • Allow sign-up with otp

Dec 2, 2022


Theme v1.6.2

  • Moved NavItem font color to root of the theme.

Sidebar v0.6.0

  • Do not render tooltip for regular sidebar items, unless the tooltip prop is added.
  • Fixed toggle button spacing.

Auth v1.6.2

  • Now possible to set default options for Supabase authentication methods. Thanks to @KeKs0r

Nov 23, 2022


React Utils v1.1.2

  • useResponsive value now uses correct fallback value.

Theme v1.6.1

  • Improved Sidebar theme added toggle and toggleWrapper parts.

Sidebar v0.5.4

  • Improved toggle button rendering and behavior with ssr / mobile screens.

Nov 16, 2022



  • Fixed issue where PersonaAvatar would throw an error when unsupported presence value is passed.

Persona v1.2.1

  • Fixed issue where PersonaAvatar would throw an error when unsupported presence value is passed.

Sidebar v0.4.0

  • Cleaned up NavItem theme.
  • Added classNames to all NavItem components.

Theme v1.5.0

  • Cleaned up NavItem theme.
  • Improved Tooltip styles for Saas UI theme.

Nov 4, 2022



  • Improved usePromise type signature.
  • Supabase auth service updated to v2

Hooks v1.1.2

  • Improved usePromise type signature.

Auth v1.6.0

  • Supabase auth service updated to v2

Provider v1.1.4

  • Added new route value to Router context.

Nov 1, 2022


Minor Changes

  • 466b3ca: Updated to Chakra UI 2.3.6

Oct 22, 2022


Sidebar v0.2.0

  • Add new motionPreset property, sidebar animation can be disabled with motionPreset="none"

Theme v1.3.1

  • Clean up AppShell theme

Oct 8, 2022



  • Export all Snackbar types. (#88)
  • FormStepper now supports theming props.

Snackbar v1.1.1

  • Export all Snackbar types. (#88)

Forms v1.2.2

  • FormStepper now supports theming props.

Sep 18, 2022


Sidebar v0.1.1

  • Forward ref to Sidebar container

Sep 17, 2022



  • Custom Field onChange and onBlur handlers will no longer override the internal HookForm handlers.

Forms v1.2.1

  • Custom Field onChange and onBlur handlers will no longer override the internal HookForm handlers.

App Shell v1.1.0

  • Added AppShell component to core

Theme v1.3.0

  • Added AppShell component to core
  • Added Sidebar component to core

Collapse v1.1.1

  • useCollapse can now be fully controlled

Sidebar v0.1.0

  • Added Sidebar component to core

Sep 8, 2022



  • Form now accepts a render function with form state props.
  • Re-export all React Hook Form types and hooks
  • New onChange prop for Form that triggers when the form state is changed.

Auth v1.3.0 Forms v1.2.0 Modals v1.2.0

Aug 6, 2022



  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
  • Only show list item outline when it is focused with keyboard nav

Auth v1.2.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Banner v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Button v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Card v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Clerk v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Data Table v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Forms v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Hooks v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Hotkeys v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Input Right Button v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Layout v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

List v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
  • Only show list item outline when it is focused with keyboard nav

Menu v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Modals v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Nprogress v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Number Input v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Palette v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Password Input v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Persona v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Pin Input v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Property v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Provider v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Radio v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

React Utils v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Search Input v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Select v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Snackbar v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Stepper v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

System v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Theme v1.2.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Web 3 v1.1.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Next Workspaces v0.3.0

  • Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.

Aug 4, 2022


Hooks v1.0.2

  • useLocalStorage now returns the defaultValue if no value is available and is updated across tabs.

Jul 24, 2022



  • Fall back to label prop in password forms

Auth v1.1.1

  • Fall back to label prop in password forms

Jul 23, 2022



  • Auth forms field labels can now be customized, thanks to @nadiles.
  • Make sure FormStep onSubmit does not throw an error when no promise is returned.
  • Fixed a typo in the AuthForm styles provider.
  • PasswordInput width now applied to the FormGroup element.

Auth v1.1.0

  • Auth forms field labels can now be customized, thanks to @nadiles.
  • Fixed a typo in the AuthForm styles provider.

Forms v1.0.3

  • Make sure FormStep onSubmit does not throw an error when no promise is returned.

Password Input v1.0.2

  • PasswordInput width now applied to the FormGroup element.

Jul 17, 2022


Provider v1.0.2

  • Use correct params type

Jul 14, 2022



  • The Saas UI theme now uses InterVariable instead of Inter by default.

Theme v1.1.0

  • The Saas UI theme now uses InterVariable instead of Inter by default.

Hotkeys v1.0.1

  • Removed dependency

Jul 8, 2022



  • The Saas UI theme now uses InterVariable instead of Inter by default.

Read more about settings up fonts in your theme.

Theme v1.1.0

  • The Saas UI theme now uses InterVariable instead of Inter by default.

Hotkeys v1.0.1

  • Removed dependency

Jul 3, 2022


Forms v1.0.2

  • fix: Fixed Hook Form 7.33 compatibility.

Input Right Button v1.0.1

  • fix: Fixed peer dependency issue.

Jul 2, 2022



  • BannerContent flexDirection set to column on small screens.
  • Support JSONSchema title in field resolvers
  • Select field focus styles now consistent with Input fields.
  • Fixed @chakra-ui/system dependency version.

Banner v1.0.1

  • BannerContent flexDirection set to column on small screens.

Forms v1.0.1

  • Support JSONSchema title in field resolvers
  • Select field focus styles now consistent with Input fields.
  • FormDialog with AutoForm now sets focus on first field by default.

Modals v1.0.1

  • FormDialog with AutoForm now sets focus on first field by default.

Jun 30, 2022


I'm pleased to announce Saas UI Core v1 is officially out! 🥳

Special thanks to all the early adopters for your feedback and contributions.

The release of Chakra UI 2 and React 18 was a great milestone for the last push of this release. Moving forward, you can expect more components (DatePicker, Timeline, to name a few), and more examples and starter projects for all popular frameworks.

If you have ideas or feedback, feel free to open an Github issue or come hang out in the new public Discord channel.

  • Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.
  • breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
  • NativeSelect now accepts chilren and doesn't throw if no options are passed.
  • Added Json Schema (ajv) support for AutoForm.
  • Added ErrorBoundary component.
  • Scale reset button icon based on the input size.
  • Add exports entry for ajv
  • Re-publish.
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
  • Updated dependencies.
  • FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.
  • No longer passing down label to input fields.
  • Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
  • Option labels are now optional.
  • Added new RouterProvider and useActivePath now uses Router context.
  • ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
  • Stepper now accepts an onChange handler.
  • ArrayField no longer passing down items to the container element.
  • Initial release candidate
  • Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
  • Fix vertical orientation for FormStepper.
  • Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
  • #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.
  • Fixed vertical divider rendering incorrectly.
  • Removed redundant ThemeProvider / CSSReset and GlobalStyles components.
  • AutoForm now renders children.
  • Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
  • Added missing dependency.
  • Spacing between pin inputs can now be configured.
  • InputField now has type="text" by default.
  • ContextMenu now passing down all props to the internal Menu.
  • Select now renders a hidden input with the current value.
  • New primary and secondary Button variant.
  • breaking: React 18 support.
  • Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use variant="primary" instead.

Jun 29, 2022


Hotkeys v1.0.0-rc.5

  • HotkeysSearch now accepts SearchInputProps

Collapse v1.0.0-rc.5

  • Fixed type issue


  • Updated dependencies.
  • Updated to Clerk React 3.4.1

Collapse v1.0.0-rc.4

  • Updated dependencies.
  • Updated classname prefix to saas-

Props Docs v1.0.0-rc.4

  • Updated props.

Jun 28, 2022



  • Added ErrorBoundary component.
  • FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.
  • Fixed vertical divider rendering incorrectly.

Forms v1.0.0-rc.10

  • FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.

Property v1.0.0-rc.5

  • Bump version

Provider v1.0.0-rc.6

  • Bump version

Jun 24, 2022



  • Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.
  • Option labels are now optional.
  • ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
  • Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
  • #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.
  • New primary and secondary Button variant.

Card v1.0.0-rc.4

  • Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.

Forms v1.0.0-rc.9

  • Option labels are now optional.
  • ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
  • Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
  • #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.

Provider v1.0.0-rc.5

  • Removed dependency on querystring.

Button v1.0.0-rc.4

  • New primary and secondary Button variant.

Jun 15, 2022


  • Scale reset button icon based on the input size.
  • Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
  • Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use colorScheme="primary" instead.

Jun 14, 2022


  • Fix vertical orientation for FormStepper.

Jun 9, 2022


  • Add exports entry for ajv

Jun 8, 2022


  • Added Json Schema (ajv) support for AutoForm.


  • Stepper now accepts an onChange handler.

Jun 7, 2022


  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1

May 26, 2022


  • React 18 support
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.0

Apr 23, 2022


Forms v0.7.8

  • Field id now passed down to the internal FormControl for better a11y.

Updates for Apr 19, 2022



  • Saas UI theme colors no longer generated on the fly.

Auth v0.7.9

  • AuthFormDivider now using Divider component
  • Added displayName to all components and improved inconsistencies.

Forms v0.7.5

  • Added displayName to form components
  • Fixed FormStepper default styles.

Theme v0.8.0

  • Saas UI theme colors no longer generated on the fly.

System v0.4.1

  • Added missing peer dependencies

Updates for Apr 14, 2022



Password Input v0.3.2

  • Fixed label not rendering correctly in some cases.

Hotkeys v0.6.1

  • Added modifier shorthands to jsdocs for easy access.

Forms v0.7.0

  • Added Zod resolver for AutoForm

Updates for Mar 23, 2022



Stepper v0.2.2

  • Improved Stepper styling on small screens.

Theme v0.7.2

  • Improved Stepper styling on small screens.

Persona v0.5.1

  • PersonaContainer now accepts size and box props.

Updates for Mar 18, 2022

Clerk Authentication Service


Clerk v0.0.1

  • Added Clerk authentication service

Theme v0.7.1

  • Improved Input fields outline variant contrast for better a11y

Auth v0.7.1

  • Check if AuthStateChange unsubscribe callback is returned.

Stepper v0.2.1

  • No longer use useLayoutEffect, since it causes SSR issues.

Modals v0.5.0

  • Improved the MenuDialog api to be more consistant with Menu

Updates for Mar 17, 2022



  • Fixed issue where the ModalFooter would not render.

Modals v0.4.1

  • Fixed issue where the ModalFooter would not render.

Updates for Mar 15, 2022

Improved Form API


  • BREAKING: Removed Yup dependency, you now need to configure default Form resolvers

Form no longer accepts a Yup schema by default.

Use a schema resolver to use schema support. All hookform resolvers are supported.

import { yupResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/yup'
const form = <Form resolver={yupResolver(schema)} />

AutoForm only supports Yup for now and has a new API.

import { yupForm } from '@saas-ui/forms/yup'
const form = <AutoForm {...yupForm(schema)} />

Alternatively you can configure a default resolver for all forms. Add this somewhere in the root of your project.

import { Form } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { yupResolver, yupFieldResolver } from '@saas-ui/forms/yup' // yupResolver is exported from here as well for convenience.
import { AnyObjectSchema } from 'yup'
Form.getResolver = (schema: AnyObjectSchema) => yupResolver(schema) // @hookform/resolvers
Form.getFieldResolver = (schema: AnyObjectSchema) => yupFieldResolver(schema) // AutoForm field resolver
  • Fixed peer dependency issues.

Updates for Mar 09, 2022

Improved modals manager api

The modals manager open method now accepts custom modal components directly, allowing you to reduce even more boilerplate code.

import * as React from 'react'
import { useModals, Button } from '@saas-ui/react'
import CustomModal from './custom-modal'
export default function Page() {
const modals = useModals()
return <Button onClick={() =>}>Open modal</Button>


Patch Changes

  • 99f3e33: Custom modal components can now be directly passed to
  • Updated dependencies [99f3e33]
    • @saas-ui/modals@0.3.5

Was this helpful?