Project structure

How to find your way in the project.

Saas UI Pro is setup as a monorepo which is managed by Yarn v3 and Turbo Repo.

The folder structure looks as following:

saas-uiAll Saas UI Pro packages and components live in here.
appsExample apps are in this folder.
apps/webNext.js frontend app.
apps/web/src/features/commonThe app's common functionality, for example layouts, that is shared across features.
apps/web/src/features/*Domain specific code is grouped within individual features.
apps/desktopNextron (Electron + Next.js) desktop app.
packagesThis contains all shared application code, as well as your own custom packages.
packages/api-clientThe API client used to fetch data (re-exports demo-client by default).
packages/api-demo-clientDemo client that returns mocked data for the demo application
packages/common-mocksMocked data used for the demo, and for testing purposes.
packages/common-i18nI18n helpers, using React Intl
packages/app-configContains all client side configuration files.
packages/app-nextjsNext.js specific utility functions and hooks.
packages/db-prismaPrisma client and schema.
packages/ui-libThis is your shared UI library, and included all custom pre-built components
packages/ui-storybookYour storybook.
packages/ui-themeYour custom Chakra UI theme. This extends the Saas UI Pro theme by default.
tooling/test-utilsHelper functions for testing.


Application code is grouped by feature, this means that all related assets, like components, hook, pages are grouped in a single feature folder. This setup will help to keep the code base maintainable as it grows. It will make it easier to add/remove new features and prevent any unwanted side effects when refactoring or removing functionality, due to too much interdependencies.

A few rules to make sure the codebase stays maintainable.

  • Shared functionality is located in the common feature, other features can import from here.
  • Treat features as standalone packages, keep them as decoupled as possible.
  • If a component is used in multiple features and doesn't depend on external state (like data fetching), consider adding it to the ui library, otherwise add it to the common feature.
  • Keep components clean, eg if there is complex business logic, like useQuery or useMutation hooks, move them into a separate hook in hooks/

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