Contacts router

An overview of the Contacts router


The contacts router has the following procedures:

Get contact by id

Returns a contact by id.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { data } = api.contacts.byId.useQuery({
id: '',
workspaceId: '',
// Server components
const data = await api.contacts.byId({
id: '',
workspaceId: '',

List contacts by type

List all contacts by type.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { data } = api.contacts.listByType.useQuery({
type: '',
workspaceId: '',
// Server components
const data = await api.contacts.listByType({
type: '',
workspaceId: '',

Create a contact

Create a new contact in the workspace.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { data } = api.contacts.create.useMutation()
// Server components
const data = await api.contacts.create()

Update a contact

Update a contact.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { data } = api.contacts.update.useMutation()
// Server components
const data = await api.contacts.update()

List contact activity

Returns the latest activity of a contact.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { data } = api.contacts.activitiesById.useQuery({
id: '',
workspaceId: '',
// Server components
const data = await api.contacts.activitiesById({
id: '',
workspaceId: '',

Add a comment to a contact

Add a comment to a contact.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { mutate } = api.contacts.addComment.useMutation()
input: {
id: '',
workspaceId: '',
comment: '',
// Server components
const data = await api.contacts.addComment({
input: {
id: '',
workspaceId: '',
comment: '',

Remove a comment

Remove a comment from a contact.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { mutate } = api.contacts.removeComment.useMutation()
input: {
workspaceId: '',
commentId: '',
// Server components
const data = await api.contacts.removeComment({
input: {
workspaceId: '',
commentId: '',

Update tags

Update the tags of a contact. Removes any tags not included in the list.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { mutate } = api.contacts.updateTags.useMutation()
input: {
id: '',
workspaceId: '',
tags: [],
// Server components
const data = await api.contacts.updateTags({
input: {
id: '',
workspaceId: '',
tags: [],

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