Define procedures
Learn how to extend your API by defining procedures.
A procedure is a function that is exposed to the client, it can be one of:
- a
- used to fetch data. - a
- used to modify data. - a
- used to listen to data changes.
Base procedures#
Reusable base procedures is a pattern that allows you to define a set of procedures that can be reused across multiple services.
The starterkit ships with a set of base procedures that you can use to get started.
Public procedure#
A public procedure is available to all clients and doesn't require authentication.
// packages/api/modules/posts/posts.router.tsimport { z } from 'zod'import { createTRPCRouter, publicProcedure, TRPCError } from '#trpc'import { getLatestPosts } from './posts.service'export const postsRouter = createTRPCRouter({latestPosts: publicProcedure.input(z.object({offset: z.number().default(0),limit: z.number().default(10),})).query(async ({ input }) {try {return await getLatestPosts(input)} catch (error: unknown) {throw new TRPCError({code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR',message: 'Failed to fetch latest posts',cause: error,})}})})
Protected procedure#
A protected procedure requires a user to be authenticated.
You can access the session
and user
object in the ctx
// packages/api/modules/posts/posts.router.tsimport { z } from 'zod'import { createTRPCRouter, protectedProcedure, TRPCError } from '#trpc'import { addComment } from './posts.service'export const postsRouter = createTRPCRouter({addComment: protectedProcedure.input(z.object({postId: z.string(),content: z.string(),})).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) {try {return await addComment({userId:,...input,})} catch (error: unknown) {throw new TRPCError({code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR',message: 'Failed to add comment',cause: error,})}})})
Workspace procedure#
A workspace procedure requires the user to be authenticated and belong to the supplied workspace.
The workspaceId
is passed in the input object. Both workspace
and workspaceMember
are available in the ctx
The workspaceMember
object contains the role
of the user in the workspace.
// packages/api/modules/posts/posts.router.tsimport { z } from 'zod'import { createTRPCRouter, workspaceProcedure, TRPCError } from '#trpc'import { createPost } from './posts.service'export const postsRouter = createTRPCRouter({createPost: workspaceProcedure.input(z.object({content: z.string(),})).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) {try {if (!['admin', 'editor'].includes(ctx.workspaceMember.role)) {throw new TRPCError({code: 'FORBIDDEN',message: 'You do not have permission to create posts',})}return await createPost({workspaceId:,authorId:,...input,})} catch (error: unknown) {throw new TRPCError({code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR',message: 'Failed to create post',cause: error,})}})})
Admin procedure#
An admin procedure requires the user to be authenticated and have the admin
This procedure extends the workspaceProcedure
and supplies the same ctx
// packages/api/modules/posts/posts.router.tsimport { z } from 'zod'import { createTRPCRouter, adminProcedure, TRPCError } from '#trpc'import { deletePost } from './posts.service'export const postsRouter = createTRPCRouter({deletePost: adminProcedure.input(z.object({id: z.string(),})).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) {try {return await deletePost({workspaceId:,id:,})} catch (error: unknown) {throw new TRPCError({code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR',message: 'Failed to delete post',cause: error,})}})})
Next steps#
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