Metered based usage

How to set up and record metered based usage in your application

Metered based usage is a usage type where the usage is calculated based on the amount of resources used. Examples are:

  • AI tokens
  • Storage
  • Bandwidth
  • API requests

Registering usage

Stripe supports metered based usage through the meters API. To enable metered based usage you need to create a meter in Stripe for each feature that has a metered based usage type.

Learn more about meters in Stripe.

To register usage you can call the registerUsage method of the billing adapter in your procedures.

// packages/api/modules/my-module/my-module.router.ts
import { z } from 'zod'
import {
} from '#trpc'
export const myModuleRouter = createTRPCRouter({
chatCompletion: adminProcedure.query(async ({ input, ctx }) => {
const account = await getAccount(input.workspaceId)
// call to openai
return await ctx.adapters.billing?.registerUsage?.({
customerId: account?.customerId,
featureId: 'chat-completions',
quantity: 1, // eg the tokens used

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