Workspaces router

An overview of the workspaces router


The workspaces router has the following procedures:

Create a workspace

Create a new workspace.

  • Access: @protected
// Client components
const { data } = api.workspaces.create.useMutation()
// Server components
const data = await api.workspaces.create()

Check if slug is available

Check if a workspace slug is available.

  • Access: @protected
// Client components
const { data } = api.workspaces.slugAvailable.useQuery({ slug: 'my-workspace' })
// Server components
const data = await api.workspaces.slugAvailable({ slug: 'my-workspace' })

Get workspace by slug

Get a workspace by its slug and returns the workspace details, subscription, members and tags.

  • Access: @member
// Client components
const { data } = api.workspaces.get.useQuery({ slug: 'my-workspace' })
// Server components
const data = await api.workspaces.get({ slug: 'my-workspace' })

Update workspace

Update a workspace.

  • Access: @admin
// Client components
const { data } = api.workspaces.update.useMutation()
// Server components
const data = await api.workspaces.update()

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