Customize authentication screens
How to customize the built-in authentication screens
Configure your auth screens
Next you'll need to configure your authentication screens.
This can be done by editing packages/app-config/src/auth.ts
1. Authentication type
Here you can change your preferred authentication type, magiclink
or password
export const authType = 'password'
2. Oauth providers
And the OAuth providers you want to use. Set authProviders
to undefined to disable social login.
export const authProviders: AvailableProviders = {google: {icon: FaGoogle,name: 'Google',},github: {icon: FaGithub,name: 'Github',},}
3. Paths and titles
If you use different paths you can change them here.
export const authPaths: Record<string, any> = {'/login': {view: 'login',title: 'Welcome back',},'/signup': {view: 'signup',title: 'Sign up for free',},'/forgot_password': {view: 'forgot_password',title: 'Reset your password',},'/reset_password': {view: 'update_password',title: 'Enter a new password',},}
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