Dec 23, 2023



  • Fixed issue where variant would not be passed to SearchInput
  • Improved Navbar inner padding on small screens
  • Added new left-accent variant to the NavItem theme
  • Added new neutral color scheme to Button theme
  • Updated NavGroup to no longer be collapsible by default
  • Fixed issue where SidebarToggleButton style props would not have any effect
  • Improved timeline behavior so it scales automatically with the icon and ocontent size used.
  • Added data-state attribute to SidebarToggleButton
  • Added ghost variant to the Badge theme
  • NavItem href prop no longer has # as default

Core v2.3.0

  • Fixed issue where variant would not be passed to SearchInput
  • Improved Navbar inner padding on small screens
  • Added new left-accent variant to the NavItem theme
  • Updated NavGroup to no longer be collapsible by default
  • Fixed issue where SidebarToggleButton style props would not have any effect
  • Export SaasProviderProps
  • Improved timeline behavior so it scales automatically with the icon and ocontent size used.
  • Added data-state attribute to SidebarToggleButton
  • NavItem href prop no longer has # as default

Auth v2.4.0

  • Fixed issue where auth state would not update correctly
  • Improved consistency of styles

Theme v2.3.0

  • Improved Navbar inner padding on small screens
  • Added new left-accent variant to the NavItem theme
  • Added new neutral color scheme to Button theme
  • Updated NavGroup to no longer be collapsible by default
  • Improved timeline behavior so it scales automatically with the icon and ocontent size used.
  • Added ghost variant to the Badge theme

Theme Glass v0.5.2

  • Improved glass theme input to use css variables
  • Added neutral color scheme support for buttons

File Upload v0.2.0

  • Add getRootNode prop to support shadowdom and frames

Clerk v3.0.21

  • Updated clerk provider types

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