Jun 30, 2023



  • useHotkeys now supports preventDefault option to prevent default browser events from firing
  • Updated to Tanstack ReactTable V8
  • Moved form resolvers into a separate package.
  • Fix Card theme tokens
  • Improved MenuDialog position on mobile
  • Fix SnackbarPromiseOptions error type to SnackbarOptions
  • ErrorBoundary errorComponent property renamed to fallback to be consistent with Suspense.
  • button primary, secondary and tertiary variants colorScheme can now be changed.
  • Fixed useSnackbar return type, always returns toastId.
  • Added TimeLine to core components.
  • Added Sidebar to core packages.
  • Auth forms can now be used standalone, to build custom solutions.
  • tooltipProps on NavItem no longer require children
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Select now supports theming props.
  • Select can now supports theming using the SuiSelect theme config.
  • PasswordInput now accepts leftAddon property.
  • BREAKING: createPalette no longer exported from @saas-ui/react
  • Bump version
  • Fix vertical stepper items not taking up the full parent width.
  • Added new createModals method to create typesafe modals managers with support for custom modals
  • Renamed List to StructuredList
  • Fix Divider label contrast
  • Restructured the Select component to make it atomic, the new composition is Select, SelectButton, SelectList and SelectOption.
  • Fixed issue where Sidebar would not get defaultProps from the theme.
  • Added new tertiary button variant.
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • No longer needed to use Next.js legacyBehavior for the Link component.
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Secondary button now uses solid variant and gray colorScheme.
  • Removed button package.
  • New createFormDialog function to create Zod or Yup specific FormDialogs
  • useSnackbar promise error option now accepts a function with err param or SnackbarOptions
  • Stepper useNext and usePrev hooks renamed to useStepperNextButton and useStepperPrevButton
  • Improve Stepper seperator position on all sizes
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.6.x
  • Fix ContextMenu and OverflowMenu exports.
  • ConfirmDialog now supports an async onConfirm prop and shows a spinner when a promise is returned
  • Select field now renders invalid state.
  • Fixed issue where types for exports were not detected
  • object and array field props can now be overridden using the fields prop
  • Renamed Loader to LoadingOverlay.
  • Renamed Sidebar condensed variant to compact.
  • Form fields overries types now support array and object type props
  • AutoForm field props can now be overridden using the fields prop on Form
  • Fix NavItem focus outline color.
  • Fixed issue where colorScheme would be passed down to stepper dom element
  • Add Timeline theme to theme package.
  • Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • Improve StructuredList API.
  • Fixed issue where multiple + separators were not parsed correctly in useHotkeys.
  • Restructured packages.
  • AppShell now controls the Sidebar disclosure state.
  • Form will now render AutoField by default when no children are passed.
  • SidebarToggleButton can now be used outside of the Sidebar context, using the new AppShell context.
  • useLocalStorage now updates all hook instances on the current page when the value changed
  • Removed the Divider component in favor of the Chakra UI Divider component.
  • Bump version
  • Sidebar breakpoints property renamed to toggleBreakpoint. Now expects a single breakpoint or false to disable auto toggle.
  • EmptyState title and description no longer use Header and Text
  • Fix esm bundle filename.
  • Fix issue where StepForm would not submit when subsequent fields are required.
  • Removed Card component in favor of the new Chakra UI Card component.

Hotkeys v2.0.0

  • useHotkeys now supports preventDefault option to prevent default browser events from firing
  • useHotkeys options are now optional
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • Fixed issue where multiple + separators were not parsed correctly in useHotkeys.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Data Table v2.0.0

  • Updated to Tanstack ReactTable V8
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Forms v2.0.0

  • Form render prop Field now supports ref
  • Moved form resolvers into a separate package.
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Select can now supports theming using the SuiSelect theme config.
  • PasswordInput now accepts leftAddon property.
  • Fix React import
  • Bump version
  • Restructured the Select component to make it atomic, the new composition is Select, SelectButton, SelectList and SelectOption.
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Fixed modal form handler type inference
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • New createFormDialog function to create Zod or Yup specific FormDialogs
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.6.x
  • Select field now renders invalid state.
  • Fixed issue where types for exports were not detected
  • object and array field props can now be overridden using the fields prop
  • Form fields overries types now support array and object type props
  • AutoForm field props can now be overridden using the fields prop on Form
  • Fix Select button overflow.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Form will now render AutoField by default when no children are passed.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.
  • Fix issue where StepForm would not submit when subsequent fields are required.

Date Picker v0.10.0

  • Updated the day and month segment minimal width, so there's less spacing with single digits
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Modals v2.0.0

  • BaseDrawer now accepts header, content and footer props.
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Added new createModals method to create typesafe modals managers with support for custom modals
  • BaseModal now accepts header, content and footer props
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Fix issue where onCloseComplete would not be called
  • New createFormDialog function to create Zod or Yup specific FormDialogs
  • ConfirmDialog now supports an async onConfirm prop and shows a spinner when a promise is returned
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Core v2.0.0

  • Fix Card theme tokens
  • Improved MenuDialog position on mobile
  • Fix SnackbarPromiseOptions error type to SnackbarOptions
  • ErrorBoundary errorComponent property renamed to fallback to be consistent with Suspense.
  • Fixed useSnackbar return type, always returns toastId.
  • Added TimeLine to core components.
  • tooltipProps on NavItem no longer require children
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Select now supports theming props.
  • Bump version
  • Export LinkProps
  • Fix Divider label contrast
  • Fixed issue where Sidebar would not get defaultProps from the theme.
  • Added new tertiary button variant.
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Secondary button now uses solid variant and gray colorScheme.
  • Fix issue where Select context is undefined
  • useSnackbar promise error option now accepts a function with err param or SnackbarOptions
  • Stepper useNext and usePrev hooks renamed to useStepperNextButton and useStepperPrevButton
  • Improve Stepper seperator position on all sizes
  • Fix ContextMenu and OverflowMenu exports.
  • Fixed issue where types for exports were not detected
  • Renamed Loader to LoadingOverlay.
  • Renamed Sidebar condensed variant to compact.
  • Fix NavItem focus outline color.
  • Fixed issue where colorScheme would be passed down to stepper dom element
  • Add Timeline theme to theme package.
  • Improve StructuredList API.
  • AppShell now controls the Sidebar disclosure state.
  • SidebarToggleButton can now be used outside of the Sidebar context, using the new AppShell context.
  • useLocalStorage now updates all hook instances on the current page when the value changed
  • Removed the Divider component in favor of the Chakra UI Divider component.
  • Bump version
  • Sidebar breakpoints property renamed to toggleBreakpoint. Now expects a single breakpoint or false to disable auto toggle.
  • EmptyState title and description no longer use Header and Text
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Theme v2.0.0

  • button primary, secondary and tertiary variants colorScheme can now be changed.
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Fix Card theme
  • Bump version
  • Fix vertical stepper items not taking up the full parent width.
  • Removed Divider theming.
  • Fix anatomy export
  • Fix Divider label contrast
  • Fix issue where primary variant color would always be gray
  • Added new tertiary button variant.
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Renamed Sidebar condensed variant to compact, minor improvements.
  • Fix filled and outline color tokens
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Secondary button now uses solid variant and gray colorScheme.
  • Removed button package.
  • Improve Stepper seperator position on all sizes
  • Fixed issue where types for exports were not detected
  • Fix solid button hover colors
  • Add Timeline theme to theme package.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Updated Stepper theme to Chakra UI 2.6
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Auth v2.0.0

  • Auth forms can now be used standalone, to build custom solutions.
  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • The default Auth User type is now less strict.
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Auth now support an onError handler
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Fix Auth component footer
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Command Bar v0.2.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Update to cmdk 2.0
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

React Utils v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Theme Glass v0.4.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Fix Textarea theme
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Nprogress v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Supabase v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Update Supabase client
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Palette v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Charts v0.8.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Add gradientOpacity prop. Add gradient support for Sparklines.
  • Bump version

System v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Storybook Addon v1.1.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Bump version

Clerk v3.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Update Clerk client
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Hooks v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated to Chakra UI 2.7
  • Removed button package.
  • Restructured packages.
  • useLocalStorage now updates all hook instances on the current page when the value changed
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Magic v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Updated Magic auth service to latest SDK version
  • Magic auth options are now optional.
  • Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Saas Ui Storybook v1.0.1

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Bump version

Props Docs v1.8.1

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Bump version

Test Utils v3.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Restructured packages.
  • Bump version
  • Fix esm bundle filename.

Website v2.0.0

  • Fix esm bundle import
  • Bump version
  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds
  • Removed button package.

Palette Docs v1.3.8

  • Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds

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