Jun 30, 2022
I'm pleased to announce Saas UI Core v1 is officially out! 🥳
Special thanks to all the early adopters for your feedback and contributions.
The release of Chakra UI 2 and React 18 was a great milestone for the last push of this release. Moving forward, you can expect more components (DatePicker, Timeline, to name a few), and more examples and starter projects for all popular frameworks.
If you have ideas or feedback, feel free to open an Github issue or come hang out in the new public Discord channel.
- Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- NativeSelect now accepts chilren and doesn't throw if no options are passed.
- Added Json Schema (ajv) support for AutoForm.
- Added ErrorBoundary component.
- Scale reset button icon based on the input size.
- Add exports entry for ajv
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.
- No longer passing down label to input fields.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Option labels are now optional.
- Added new RouterProvider and useActivePath now uses Router context.
- ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
- Stepper now accepts an onChange handler.
- ArrayField no longer passing down items to the container element.
- Initial release candidate
- Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
- Fix vertical orientation for FormStepper.
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.
- Fixed vertical divider rendering incorrectly.
- Removed redundant ThemeProvider / CSSReset and GlobalStyles components.
- AutoForm now renders children.
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- Added missing dependency.
- Spacing between pin inputs can now be configured.
- InputField now has type="text" by default.
- ContextMenu now passing down all props to the internal Menu.
- Select now renders a hidden input with the current value.
- New primary and secondary Button variant.
- breaking: React 18 support.
- Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use variant="primary" instead.
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