Apr 17, 2024



  • Improved Select types, value type is now string or string[] depending on the multiple prop
  • Fixed issue where StructuredListItem would not receive focus
  • StructuredListItem now supports isDisabled props

Date Picker v0.12.31

  • Removed Chakra UI icons dependency

File Upload v0.2.9

  • Added missing deep dependencies

Forms v2.6.0

  • Improved Select types, value type is now string or string[] depending on the multiple prop

Storybook Addon v3.0.0

  • Updated to Storybook 8

Saas Ui Storybook v2.0.0

  • Updated to Storybook 8

Test Utils v4.0.0

  • Updated to Storybook 8

Core v2.5.0

  • Fixed issue where StructuredListItem would not receive focus
  • StructuredListItem now supports isDisabled props

Theme v2.4.0

  • StructuredListItem now supports isDisabled props

Auth v3.1.2

  • Fixed issue where options would not be passed to logOut handler, thanks @Segfaultd

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