Apr 8, 2023




Major Changes

  • 37e38165: Auth forms can now be used standalone, to build custom solutions.
  • 532011d6: Restructured the Select component to make it atomic, the new composition is Select, SelectButton, SelectList and SelectOption.
  • 39e778d8: Form will now render AutoField by default when no children are passed.

Minor Changes

  • 532011d6: Select can now supports theming using the SuiSelect theme config.
  • 6dd737ce: Select field now renders invalid state.
  • c85541cb: AutoForm field props can now be overridden using the fields prop on Form


Major Changes

  • 61b27fa6: Stepper useNext and usePrev hooks renamed to useStepperNextButton and useStepperPrevButton

Minor Changes

  • a8ea24da: PasswordInput now accepts leftAddon property.


Major Changes

  • 83f54180: ErrorBoundary errorComponent property renamed to fallback to be consistent with Suspense.
  • 83f54180: Secondary button now uses solid variant and gray colorScheme.
  • 83f54180: Renamed Loader to LoadingOverlay.

Minor Changes

  • 83f54180: Added new tertiary button variant.
  • 27a68bca: useLocalStorage now updates all hook instances on the current page when the value changed

Patch Changes

  • ba61612f: Fixed useSnackbar return type, always returns toastId.
  • 83f54180: Fix NavItem focus outline color.


Major Changes

  • 0a11d7b6: Renamed Sidebar condensed variant to compact.
  • 76887bda: Sidebar breakpoints property renamed to toggleBreakpoint. Now expects a single breakpoint or false to disable auto toggle.

Minor Changes

  • 76887bda: AppShell now controls the Sidebar disclosure state.
  • 76887bda: SidebarToggleButton can now be used outside of the Sidebar context, using the new AppShell context.


Patch Changes

  • 166978bd: Fix esm bundle filename.


Major Changes

  • 772c9868: Updated to Tanstack ReactTable V8
  • d7c87a31: Moved form resolvers into a separate package.
  • f1e99198: BREAKING: createPalette no longer exported from @saas-ui/react
  • 8b82d945: Renamed List to StructuredList
  • 8b82d945: Removed button package.
  • f34de7af: Moved Supabase and Magic auth services to separate packages.
  • 3a15e8c8: Improve StructuredList API.
  • f1e99198: Restructured packages.
  • f3b09191: Removed Card component in favor of the new Chakra UI Card component.

Minor Changes

  • e94ca3c0: Added TimeLine to core components.
  • 7ce390e9: Added Sidebar to core packages.

Patch Changes

  • f1e99198: Migrated from microbundle to tsup for builds

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