Jan 22, 2024



  • Added xl size to IconBadge
  • Updated Input lg variant height
  • Fixed issue where FormStepper separator would render incorrectly

Theme v2.3.2

  • Added xl size to IconBadge
  • Updated Input lg variant height

Data Table v7.0.5

  • fix: forward sx prop to data table

Forms v2.3.9

  • Fixed issue where SubmitButton theming props could not be overwritten with AutoForm

File Upload v0.2.2

  • Retrieve environment from Chakra UI context to support shadowdom/frame for file uploads

Core v2.3.4

  • Fixed issue where FormStepper separator would render incorrectly

Props Docs v2.1.0

  • Updated with Pro 0.31.3

Date Picker v0.12.18

  • Fixed issue where DateInput button wouldn't open the date picker

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