CLI commands

A list of useful commands for working with the Tanstack Router starter kit.

Here is a list of useful commands for working with the Tanstack Router starter kit.

yarn init:envInitialize the environment variables
yarn dev:webStart the development server
yarn storybookStart the Storybook server
yarn build:webBuild the production app
yarn build:storybookBuild the Storybook for production
yarn build:tokensBuild the design tokens for autocompletion
yarn db:pushPush the database schema to the database
yarn db:generateGenerate database migrations
yarn db:migrateRun database migrations
yarn billing:syncSync the billing configuration into the database
clean:packagesClean build artifacts in all packages
format:checkCheck code formatting
format:writeWrite code formatting
lintRun the linter
lint:fixFix linting issues

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