Calling procedures
Learn how to call queries and mutations in your app.
There are two ways to call procedures. In client components we use the useQuery
and useMutation
hooks to call the procedures.
On the server we use the trpc
api caller to call the procedures directly.
The client uses Tanstack Query to manage data fetching and caching.
import { api } from '#lib/trpc/react'export function ContactPage(props: {params: {id: string}}) {const { data, isLoading } = api.contacts.byId.useQuery({id,})// render the page}
is very useful as it guarantees data to be defined, so you don't have to check for isLoading
for conditional rendering.
It's recommended to prefetch your data as early as possible.
// for example in a page or layout routeimport { Outlet, createFileRoute, notFound } from '@tanstack/react-router'import { WorkspaceNotFound } from '#features/workspaces/workspace.not-found'export const Route = createFileRoute('/_app/$workspace')({beforeLoad: async ({ params, context }) => {const workspace = await context.trpc.workspaces.bySlug.ensureData({slug: params?.workspace,})if (!workspace) {throw notFound()}return { workspace }},notFoundComponent: WorkspaceNotFound,component: RouteComponent,})function RouteComponent() {return <Outlet />}
import { api } from '#lib/trpc/react'export function WorkspacePage(props: { slug: string }) {const [data] = api.workspaces.bySlug.useSuspenseQuery({slug: props.slug,})return <div>{}</div>}
import { api } from '#lib/trpc/react'export default function ProfilePage() {const { user } = useAuth()const utils = api.useUtils()const mutation = api.users.updateProfile.useMutation({onSettled: () => {// Invalidate the user cache, so the updated user is refetchedutils.users.invalidate()},})return (<buttononClick={() => {mutation.mutate({name: 'John Doe',})}}>Save</button>)}
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