Upgrading to v1

How to upgrade to v1

As the Saas UI Pro we are working towards the official release there will be some breaking changes, which will be documented here.

Upgrade Steps#

1. Update dependencies#

Saas UI Pro components have been moved to their own @saas-ui-pro organization in order to make it clear which packages are part of pro.

2. Update Saas UI Pro#

npm i @saas-ui-pro/react @saas-ui-pro/feature-flags @saas-ui-pro/billing

3. Update .npmrc or .yarnrc.yml#

Since the package namespace has been changed to @saas-ui-pro you will need to update your .npmrc or .yarnrc.yml file to include the following:




npmRegistryServer: 'https://npm.saas-ui.dev'
npmAuthIdent: '${SAAS_UI_TOKEN:-}'
npmAlwaysAuth: true

4. Deprecated features#


Timeline has been moved to @saas-ui/react.

5. Breaking changes#


The Page component composition has been updated, it no longer renders PageHeader and PageBody, they should now be added as child components.

<PageHeader title="Title" />


The Section component composition has been updated, it no longer renders SectionHeader and SectionBody, they should now be added as child components.

The isAnnotated property has been removed, instead use the variant property.

<Section variant="annotated">
<SectionHeader title="Title" />

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